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Lab of Animal Ecology
Animal Ecology Laboratory
Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University

Mechanisms of ecology and evolution of wild animals
From Hokkaido to the rest of the world, we aim to elucidate how life should live in harmony with nature and the mechanism for maintaining diversity. One of our major goals is to return the knowledge gained through the power of science to society in the field of wildlife conservation.
Research goal
Wild animals are greatly influenced by the environment as they nurture their lives. Their existence is closely related to our lives, but there are still many mysteries about the formation of their ecosystems and biodiversity. In this laboratory, we aim to explore how these wild animals live in the natural world, how they have survived, and how they are related to human activities from the perspectives of ecology, evolution, genetics, and conservation. and
The professor likes fishes of the Salmonidae family, which is unparalleled, but the themes chosen by the laboratory members are not only fish, but also mammals, birds, and invertebrates. In the open environment of Hokkaido University, we will develop research that makes use of free ideas, international perspectives, and the surrounding nature.
The professor likes fishes of the Salmonidae family, which is unparalleled, but the themes chosen by the laboratory members are not only fish, but also mammals, birds, and invertebrates. In the open environment of Hokkaido University, we will develop research that makes the most of free ideas, international perspectives, and the surrounding nature.

News from the laboratory
Research and educational activities
Paper 1Paper 1
Introduction to Biological Ecology and Systematics II (Intensive Lecture)Introduction to Biological Ecology and Systematics II (Araki) TBA
Ecological Evolution (in English)Ecological Evolution (in English)
Introduction to Salmon Studies (University-wide, 1st semester)Introduction to Salmonology (for Araki) Reference materials Introduction to salmonology (PDF, about 4MB )
General Education Seminar “Smart Use of Biological Resources” (university-wide, 1st semester)General Education Seminar "Smart Use of Biological Resources" (university, 1st semester)
Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution (HUSTEP students, English only)
Introduction to animal ecologyIntroduction to Animal Ecology (2nd-4th grade, 2nd period, first Tuesday)
Basic Genetics (2-4 years, 1st semester)Basic Genetics (by Araki) Lecture reference materials (each part about 1MB):Part 1 Gene Concepts and Mutations, Genes Frequencies and Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumPart 2 Inbreeding and selective mating, migration and group structurePart 3 Natural selection, neutral evolution
Biological Resource Science Experiment I (2 years)Biological Resource Science Experiment I (2 years)
Biological Resource Science Experiment II (3 years)Biological resource science experiment II (3 years)
Applied Zoology (3rd year, Wednesday 2nd term)Applied Zoology (3rd year, Wednesday 2nd period)
Evolutionary Chemistry I (off-campus, intensive course)Evolution I (Araki) Lecture materials (around 3MB each):Part 1Part 2
Public Symposium: "Current and Future of Wildlife Monitoring - Researchers' Challenges"Date: Sunday, November 20, 2022, 14:00-16:25 Venue: Sapporo El Plaza, Environmental Training Room and Zoom Online (participation free, pre-registration required) For more information, visit the symposium website.
Frontier Science in Ecology, Genetics & Genomics9th FSEGG Seminar (2022) June 24th (Fri), 13:00-14:00, room N11, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University “Ecology of chum salmon juvenile during their early marine life inferred from environmental DNA” speaker: Yuki MINEGISHI, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo) The studies on chum salmon in Japan has been conducted mainly in Hokkaido. In contrast, not much attention has been paid to the chum salmon population in the northeast area of the Honshu Island, including the Sanriku-ria Coast, Iwate Prefecture. However, the environment in this area is clearly different from that of Hokkaido, such as high water temperature in the coastal areas and rivers and the steep topography consisting of many semi-closed small bays, which should result in the local characteristics of ecological and behavioral traits. To understand the local ecological characteristics of chum salmon in the Sanriku area, we have been performing various studies on this species in Otsuchi Town, Iwate Prefecture. In this seminar, the ecology of juvenile chum salmon inferred from environmental DNA will be presented. Salmon and trout research in Japan is concentrated in Hokkaido. On the other hand, regarding salmon populations in the Honshu/Tohoku region, in addition to the fact that this region is near the southern limit of its distribution, it has clearly different environmental conditions from those in Hokkaido, such as ria coastal topography and high river and coastal water temperatures in winter. Therefore, it is assumed that there are unique regional characteristics in the behavior and ecology of salmon such as migration, migration, spawning and early life history. Therefore, with the aim of clarifying the regional ecological characteristics of salmon along the northeastern Pacific coast of Honshu, various studies on salmon in Sanriku are being carried out, mainly in Otsuchi Town, Iwate Prefecture. In this seminar, we will introduce the ecology of juvenile salmon in Sanriku, which was clarified by research using environmental DNA. *For 2019-2021, the Evolutionary Society of Japan, the Salmonology Research Group, and the Annual Meeting of the Environmental DNA Society were hosted by the laboratory, so the FSEGG seminar was canceled.
Animal Ecology SeminarAnimal Ecology Seminar Past Events 2014.2.19. “The two current topics of study for invasive alien species: chemical control of the naturalized European bumblebee Bombus terrestris, and trace of pandemic process of the chytrid fungus Chytridiomycosis dendrobatidis“ Koichi Goka, Ph.D. (National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)) 2014.5.28. “Transition of genetic diversity and color marks of the amago salmon Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae by transplantation” Hiroki Mizumoto (Mie University) 2015.6.9. 1. “Introduction to behavioral ecological study on Itou (Parahucho perryi) in Bekanbeushi River, Eastern Hokkaido” Kentaro Honda, Ph.D. (Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute) 2. “Brook Trout Life History Variability and the Impact of Non-native Salmonids” Jill Leonard, Ph.D. (Northern Michigan University) 2017.1.18. ”Ecology of cats” Akihiro Yamane, Ph.D. (Seinan Gakuin Univ.) 2018.10.24. “Physical Environments Alter Collective Behavior” Dalia Shelton, Ph.D. (Oregon State University) 2019-2021:This seminar was canceled because the Evolutionary Society of Japan, the Salmonology Research Group, and the Environmental DNA Society were sponsored by the laboratory.
Hosted by the Evolutionary Society of Japan Sapporo Conference (2019)Sponsored by the Evolutionary Society of Japan, Sapporo Conference (2019) (Click here for the event scene)
Sponsored by Environmental DNA Society 4th Annual Conference (2021)Sponsored by Environmental DNA Society 4th Annual Conference (2021)">here)
The 14th Meeting of the Salmon Research SocietyThe 14th Conference of the Society for Salmon Science (2021, Hybrid. Click here for the scene)
ecological evolutionEcological Evolution - Elucidating the relationship between ecosystem processes and evolutionary processes
population geneticsPopulation Genetics - Analysis of intraspecific genetic polymorphisms in field populations to elucidate the way of life of wildlife
molecular ecologyMolecular Ecology - Elucidating the mechanisms of ecology from genetics and evolution at the molecular level
conservation geneticsConservation genetics -Considering wildlife conservation based on the knowledge of ecological evolution and population genetics