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Lab of Animal Ecology
Animal Ecology Laboratory
Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University

Yumi Kobayashi
Postdoc (academic researcher)
Ph.D. (Fisheries Science)
Personal Blog here

Research theme

Research on the ecology and conservation of harbor seals that inhabit the eastern coast of Hokkaido
Kobayashi Y, Kariya T, Chishima J, Fujii K, Wada K, Baba S, Itoo T, Nakaoka T, Kawashima M, Saito S, Aoki N, Hayama S I, Osa Y, Osada H, Niizuma A, Suzuki M, Uekane Y , Hayashi K, Kobayashi M, Ohtaishi N. and Sakurai Y. 2014. Population trends of the Kuril harbor seal Phoca vitulina stejnegeri from 1974 to 2010 in southeastern Hokkaido, Japan. (2014) Endangered Species Research24(1): 61-72.
Yumi Kobayashi. Women active in the field of fisheries science31. This means dealing with long-term monitoring data. (2015) Journal of the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science 81(4): 764.[In Japanese]
Emmanuel A Sweke, Kobayashi Y, M makino, Y Sakurai. Comparative job satisfaction of fishers in northeast Hokkaido, Japan for coastal fisheries management and aquaculture development. (2016) Ocean & Coastal Management 120:170-179.
hunting, eating and drinking delicious food, bartering