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2024.06 Two papers published!

執筆者の写真: 動物生態 北大農学部動物生態 北大農学部


1. A link between evolution and society fostering the UN sustainable development goals

Luc De Meester, Ella Vázquez-Domínguez, Rees Kassen, Félix Forest, Mauricio R. Bellon, Britt Koskella, Rosa A. Scherson, Licia Colli, Andrew P. Hendry, Keith A. Crandall, Daniel P. Faith, Craig J. Starger, R. Geeta, Hitoshi Araki, Ehsan M. Dulloo, Caroline Souffreau, Sibylle Schroer, Marc T. J. Johnson

Evolutionary Applications (2024)17:e13728. [open access]

2. Environmental DNA unveils deep phylogeographic structure of a freshwater fish

Tetsu Yatsuyanagi, Takashi Kanbe, Kazuya Fujii, Shouko Inoue, Hitoshi Araki

Molecular Ecology (2024) 33: e17337




Paper published!

下記論文がLimnologyにアクセプトされ、公表されました Spatial heterogeneity of eDNA concentration as a predictor of small biomass of fish in a mountain stream...


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